
Toledo Jewish Quarter and Heritage

Discover Toledo’s Sephardic Heritage with me. The Golden Age of Judaism took place on the Iberian Peninsula in the medieval period with Toledo being one of the most important cities with Sephardic heritage.


4 Hours


Up to 10


280 EUR

What's About?

Essential sites of Jewish Heritage:

  • The former Church of Santa Maria la Blanca was originally the Main Synagogue. 5 naves and multiple horseshoe arches with elaborate plasterwork capitals with pine cone motifs support the building.
  • The Sephardic Museum is housed in the former church of El Tránsito which was originally the 14th-century Synagogue of Samuel Ha Levi, treasurer to King Pedro I of Castille. It has beautiful palatial plasterwork on the interior walls and an impressive wooden Spanish Ceiling in a Mudejar style.

Other optional sites along the way:

  • The Cambron Gate: Also called the Jewish Gate. Built for the Islamic period on the lower level and later Medieval and Renaissance going up.
  • San Juan de los Reyes. The former Franciscan monastery was built towards the end of the 15th century for Queen Isabel the Catholic of Castille and Ferdinand of Aragon. They were supposed to be buried there. However, after they conquered the last Moorish kingdom of Granada were buried there.
  • The Burial of the Lord of Orgaz; The church of Santo Tomé houses this painting. One of El Greco’s (Doménikos Theotokópoulos) most famous works.
  • The Church of San Salvador; On the edge of the Jewish quarter, this working church was a mosque during the Islamic period of Toledo. It has elements from this period and reused elements from the Visigoth and Roman periods.
  • The Primatial Cathedral of Saint Mary of Toledo. When this gothic Cathedral was started in 1226 its style must have contrasted sharply with traditional architecture in Toledo mostly Mudejar in aspect. If you choose to go inside, I will show you its most important works of art. Also, I will pay special attention to the Jewish aspects that pertain to it.

Arts and Crafts shops:

  • Damascene: Not every city or village in Spain has a traditional folk art. Toledo has several. 24-karat gold leaf engraving and filigree inspired by the Islamic geometrical motifs from Damascus Syria.
    Ceramics; In the province of Toledo 3 cities are historically important. Toledo, Talavera and Puente de Obispo. In one store we can go underground to see a network of medieval Jewish brick vaulted ceilings. Archeologists suggest they may contain possible Jewish ritual baths and Micvahs, or perhaps they may have been used as crypto synagogues.
  • Swords: Since the olden days Toledo has been renowned for them. Not the steel. Rather the way the swords are made. Today you can find historical reproductions from different periods. Iberian, Roman, Moorish, and famous swords from kings and knights such as El Cid. Also, from the film industry; Lord of The Rings, Game of Thrones, and others. They make decorative ones that wouldn’t hold up in battle and forge real swords that would hold up in a dual. Each is priced accordingly.

The best way to get to the Jewish Quarter is by taxi from the train station, doing the panoramic drive around the valley.

If you are coming from Madrid by speed train (22.20€ round trip), we can meet at the train station, where I’ll meet you there with a sign. From there, if you like, we can take a taxi (4 pax max) around the valley (apx 15€) where you can enjoy beautiful panoramic view of the old city. From there we will go to the Jewish Quarter to start the walking part of the tour. Otherwise, we can take a lovely 15-minute walk to the old city. If you come by come by private car, then I will meet you at Bisagra Gate. I can also meet you anywhere in the old city or at your hotel in Toledo.

4 Hours

Guiding service: As a licensed guide I will give you a detailed explanation of the exterior façades of the monuments and sites and of their interiors if we should go in. In addition to all significant features, I will disuse other curiosities and legends in their social and historical context.

What’s extra? Personal Expenses, Souvenirs, Public Transportation, Entrance Tickets, Food, Drinks, Snacks

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