Privacy Policy


For the purposes of the provisions of the European Data Protection Regulation, EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter GDPR), Anthony Jacobson informs you that it fully complies with current legislation on the protection of personal data, and with the confidentiality commitments inherent to their activity.

Anthony Jacobson, informs you of the existence of an Activities Registry, owned by Anthony Jacobson, for the purposes of management, communication and information. The aforementioned Activity Register is available to website users to check their status.


Anthony Jacobson, has adopted the necessary measures to maintain the required level of security, according to the nature of the personal data processed and the circumstances of the treatment, in order to avoid, to the extent possible and always in accordance with the state of the art. , its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access.

The structure of files, equipment and information systems in order to comply with current legislation on data protection, will apply to all files, temporary or permanent, owned by Anthony Jacobson, that contain personal data, as well as any equipment or information system that processes them.

All personnel hired by Anthony Jacobson and his Treatment Managers are required to comply with the aforementioned regulations, with special attention to their functions and obligations, which will be duly determined by Anthony Jacobson.

Acceptance of these conditions requires the user to collect essential data for the provision of their services, which will be requested personally through forms or the website. At the time of data collection, the user will be duly informed of their rights.

So that the information contained in our files is always up-to-date and does not contain errors, we ask our clients and users to inform us, as soon as possible, of any modifications and rectifications of their personal data.


All purposes indicated regarding the personal data of Anthony Jacobson clients and users are collected and processed with the legitimate basis of consent. All data requested is mandatory for the celebration and execution of the relationship between Anthony Jacobson and the user of the website.
Regarding the sending of commercial communications, the legal basis is also consent.


The personal data of website users, collected through the forms on the website, will be kept as long as the purpose that gave rise to the collection is maintained, as well as during the legally established periods for maintaining the information.


The rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, deletion, portability and limitation of processing may be exercised by the user, or whoever represents them, by means of a written and signed request, addressed to Anthony Jacobson, with address at C/Ciudad, 9 1º in Toledo, province of Toledo, C.P. 45002, Spain. Likewise, the above rights may be exercised by communicating to the following email address In both cases, to prove the identity of the data owner, a copy of the DNI or other valid document must be attached to prove the identity. .
Likewise, you are informed that effective protection of the AEPD of the rights indicated above may be obtained.


The user will give their express consent so that Anthony Jacobson can use their personal data in order to provide correct performance of the contracted services.

Completing the form included on the site or sending emails or other communications to Anthony Jacobson implies the express consent of the website user to the inclusion of their personal data in the aforementioned file, owned by Anthony Jacobson.

At the time of requesting this information, the client or user will be informed of the recipient of the information, the purpose for which the data is collected, the identity and address of the person responsible for the File and the user’s power to exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, deletion, portability and limitation of the processing of your data.


Anthony Jacobson does not transfer personal data without the express consent of its owners, which must be granted on each occasion, being only transferred for the expressed purpose and always with the consent of the user.


The data collected in all private communications between Anthony Jacobson and clients or users will be treated with absolute confidentiality, with Anthony Jacobson committing to the obligation of secrecy of personal data, his duty to store them and adopt all necessary measures to prevent its alteration, loss and unauthorized processing or access of the Files containing personal data, in accordance with the provisions of the European Data Protection Regulation, EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter RGPD).

In addition, information of any type that the parties exchange between themselves, that which they agree is of such nature, or that which simply concerns the content of said information, will also have the status of confidentiality. The visualization of data through the Internet will not imply direct access to it, unless express consent of the owner for each occasion.

We recommend that you do not provide your identification, password or reference numbers that Anthony Jacobson may provide to any third party. Likewise, to ensure that the protection of professional secrecy between client and user is preserved in all communications, the client/user must not reveal confidential information to third parties.


Anthony Jacobson reserves the right to modify its security and data protection policy in order to adapt it to legislative or jurisprudential developments, as well as those that may arise from existing standard codes on the matter, or due to strategic corporate decisions, with effects from the date of publication of said modification on the Anthony Jacobson website.


The website is managed by Anthony Jacobson, with NIF 03906877M.

The file created is located at the registered office, which is established for the purposes of this Legal Notice, at Anthony Jacobson, with address at C/Ciudad, 9 1º in Toledo, province of Toledo, C.P. 45002, Spain; under the supervision and control of Anthony Jacobson, who assumes responsibility for the adoption of technical and organizational security measures to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the information, in accordance with the provisions of the European Data Protection Regulation, Regulation EU 2016/679, and other applicable legislation.

Anthony Jacobson, in accordance with Law 34/2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, informs you that the broad meaning of said Law includes among these services the provision of information by said means. In any case, the European Data Protection Regulation, EU Regulation 2016/679, and its implementing regulations will be applicable in this regard, especially with regard to obtaining personal data, information to interested parties and the creation and maintenance of personal data files.

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